Festivus Thread Part 1: The "Airing of Grievances"

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Festivus Thread Part 1: The "Airing of Grievances"

Post by S']['U »

(To be followed with the "Feats of Strength" and The "Festivus Miracles")

My grievance is this: "DRAMA" being broadly interpreted as "anything you don't like to hear".

The whole purpose of a forum is to have discussions about issues.
Yet even when issues are brought up respectfully and without personal insults, there is an immediate urge by some people here to silence the person making the complaint.

Problems don't get solved by ignoring them.
Are you all so easily offended that you need to have this level of censorship to protect your tender eyes, or is it that you want to maintain the illusion that everything is all sunshine and roses?

Locking an entire topic just because one person makes an offensive comment on it is unreasonable and self-defeating. The issue's not going to go away. It's more likely that it will just be continued in a new thread....like I had to do here because this thread was locked for some inexplicable reason:

The readers of this forum have a right to know what the issues are. If some of them (like S2) can't handle seeing unpleasant facts being posted, then he should quit reading those threads, and stop trying to control what other people get to see. If you don't like what's on TV you should switch the channel, not try to ban the program.

I agree that some limits need to be set. Personal insults are unnecessary and and only flame the situation.
Once a point is made, there is no need to belabor it with multiple posts on the same subject.
I agree that some of Jerry's posts are out of line, but I also understand that he's frustrated and angry....for a good reason.

For the "Feats of Strength" I would like to see the people that are crying "DRAMA!" all the time to be more tolerant.
There are still lingering issues from the "before time" that still haven't been resolved, and until they are, it's reasonable to expect the "drama" to linger too.

For the "Festivus Miracles", it would be nice to see those issues be addressed. They don't need to be resolved...but at least an acknowledgement that they exist would be a start.
The "old way" of ignoring issues didn't work then and they won't work now.
The only true way to eliminate drama is to deal with the people that are causing it, not the ones reporting it.

As I have often quoted (because it seems many of the administrators here think the same way):
"Parents aren't interested in justice, they just want QUIET!" -- Bill Cosby
What you all fail to realize is that if there is justice, then there will be quiet.
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Re: Festivus Thread Part 1: The "Airing of Grievances"

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

Merry Christmas man, and I hope you have a good one.