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Main LM Server Weirding Out

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:21 pm
by OldGuy
Was in the middle of a game today and all of a sudden I couldn't use the keyboard or mouse except to bring up the menu but still no keys worked. Then I looked up and there was a message about too many remote eval requests. Tried to leave and come back but nothing. I did notice when it put me in obs that the other player seemed to be stuck in mid air. Then restarted tribes and still nothing but the other player was gone. Tried the backup server and everything worked fine.

Map was Hendrix_Bong

Re: Main LM Server Weirding Out

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:28 pm
by Forke
Yeah, super frustrating. Been stuck there for at least 3 days now. The server needs a reset, at the very least. I've been trying to find console commands to attempt a reset, but can't find anything online.

As insight to any of the mod coders reading: when you first join, hitting "TAB" asks if you want to vote to add 2 minutes to the game. Selecting yes or no does nothing. The time also appears to have been reset when someone joins, as it is always counting UP when I join, and usually at around 20 seconds.

Hitting TAB a second time does nothing, other than give an error about retrospamming, or something along those lines.

Re: Main LM Server Weirding Out

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:31 pm
by assasin ... n.rec/file

Thats the demo. And yeah a owner needs to restart the server. It is stuck in that same map forever. Also i couldnt ping the server in tribesquery either..

Re: Main LM Server Weirding Out

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:56 am
by OldGuy
Played a couple of games. But when I went back later, Tribes crashes at waiting for mission start. Doesn't happen on the backup server.