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Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:40 am
by S']['U
This complaint is being made because EvilTree just couldn't keep his big mouth shut and leave "well-enough" alone:

Subject: Crying Fish
vistalize wrote:STU you are pushing your luck brother.
Oh really? How?
Read that thread again. It's FOUR PAGES of assholes berating me for making a complaint, saying I should be banned, muted or telling me to shut up.
They were the ones creating drama, not me.
No one (except Sand and Jerry) even tried to discuss the issue, and I wouldn't have posted that thread in the first place if you and all the other admins (except Aaquib) hadn't COMPLETELY IGNORED ME AGAIN.

"New Start" my ass. It's BR business as usual. Problems are still ignored and the people making the complaints are still attacked by harassing smart-ass trolls and blamed by admin.
SAND wrote:There is nothing wrong with expressing opinions, but name calling and being disrespectful to others is not accepted here or on the server...
....unless the name-calling and disrespect is being done by Pushbiscuit members.
Fixed it for ya.
Striker wrote:Lol no. Im not that pathetic like you...
...Your 30-something year old man. You need to fuckig grow up before my 11 year old brother grows up faster than you.
Anyone else see a contradiction there?

You promised you'd help me if I took my issues to you first. The truth is you just wanted all the drama hidden from public view so it's easier to ignore and no one will know the difference.
I came to you first , and you did nothing.
All this "drama" could have been avoided if you would have kept your word.

I asked that Crow's smart-ass remark be removed from this thread when he posted it after the thread was locked: ... 0&start=19

I even offered to remove my thread complaining about him if his was removed: ... 6&start=10
I was told that it would be, but again NOTHING WAS DONE. Instead all I got were excuses that Crow didn't see that the thread was locked, and then Sand claimed that the issue was 'resolved".
Yet Crow's troll post still remains there.

Well, what's EvilTree's excuse now?
Is he going to claim he didn't know my thread was locked too?
Was he too drunk to remember what he did again? when he locked the other thread? ... 0&start=18
He was so wasted, he didn't even understand what I wanted removed (Loghead had posted my last name)
and I had to repeat my request several times before he finally "got it".
I also told him NOT to lock the thread, just to remove my last name, but he locked it anyway.
Then he later told Owner that he didn't do it. WTF? ... 6&start=15 ... 0&start=18
That post used to say "This thread will be locked": ... 6&start=09
..but it was edited out after I complained about Crow posting there, either to cover up the fact that EvilTree did lock it, or to validate Crow's lame excuse for posting there anyway.

This is getting ridiculous.
Admins have no right or reason to post on threads that have been locked...especially if they've been locked by the thread-starter's request.
I wanted that thread locked to prevent exactly the kind of crap EvilTree posted.
Just because he's an admin doesn't give him the right to override Sand's action.
Why the hell didn't he just PM that to me?
but no, ....he had to trash me publicly.
All these people are telling me to handle my issues by PM, which I did. Yet none of them are PMing me with thier "issues" about me.
That's hypocracy.

Now, I'd like to request that EvilTree's remark be removed from my thread: ... 1262#p1262
If he wants to he can PM it to me, where I can ignore him and no one will know the difference.

See if you can get it right this time. No excuses, no edits, no lies, no cover-ups, no false promises.
And I still want Crow's remark removed from this thread too, as we agreed: ... 0&start=19

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:07 am
by <!>Cat 3000
:lol: Haha! That's too funny! :lol:

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:20 am
by S']['U
Mocking troll comments by lying, foul-mouthed and disrespectful little girls are not welcome.
...but I'm sure they will be permitted as long as she has a <!> in front of her name.

If only trolls are going to post here. I want this thread locked too.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:31 am
by DaJ4ck3L
I'm not going to lie man, bad things do happen to you, but you're never satisfied with anything that happens after, unless it's exactly what you want. Please tell me what you want in one paragraph or less.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:37 am
by S']['U
DaJ4ck3L wrote:I'm not going to lie man, bad things do happen to you, but you're never satisfied with anything that happens after, unless it's exactly what you want. Please tell me what you want in one paragraph or less.
Easy enough.
I can do that in one sentence:

l would like all posts made on my threads by admins after they were locked to be removed. ... 1262#p1262 ... 0&start=19

Thank You.
You also have my permission to remove my administrator complaint threads about you and EvilTree after that's done.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:46 am
by DaJ4ck3L
S']['U wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:I'm not going to lie man, bad things do happen to you, but you're never satisfied with anything that happens after, unless it's exactly what you want. Please tell me what you want in one paragraph or less.
Easy enough.
I can do that in one sentence:

l would like all posts made on my threads by admins after they were locked to be removed. ... 1262#p1262 ... 0&start=19

Thank You.
You also have my permission to remove my administrator complaint threads about you and EvilTree after that's done.
Didn't quite answer my question though. What do you want us to do about all of the problems you have.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:54 am
by S']['U
DaJ4ck3L wrote:Didn't quite answer my question though. What do you want us to do about all of the problems you have.
Actually, I don't have any problems now except for people berating me for making complaints.

Fish has recently told me that I have "made some valid points" about him and has expressed a desire to "try to stop trolling so much".
I'm willing to give him that chance.


As I've been isn't even the issue anymore. The problem now is other people continuing the drama because I dared to post a complaint about him.

So unless people want to keep on attacking, mocking, trolling or threatening me, I have no problems....
...except that someone here doesn't like hair on their emoticons.

EDIT: ...and I still can't ping the 1.30 server.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:17 am
by vistalize
STU, get with me on Xfire so we can handle this please or PM me.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:19 am
by Lawlz
S']['U wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:Didn't quite answer my question though. What do you want us to do about all of the problems you have.
Actually, I don't have any problems now except for people berating me for making complaints.

Fish has recently told me that I have "made some valid points" about him and has expressed a desire to "try to stop trolling so much".
I'm willing to give him that chance.


As I've been isn't even the issue anymore. The problem now is other people continuing the drama because I dared to post a complaint about him.

So unless people want to keep on attacking, mocking, trolling or threatening me, I have no problems....
...except that someone here doesn't like hair on their emoticons.

EDIT: ...and I still can't ping the 1.30 server.
People wouldn't berate you if you actually had more valid complaints to make. Now you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You seem to find any little thing you can, and you just expand on it. You're over-reacting to a simple thing such as someone posting in a locked topic... Really? I'm starting to wonder why Evil has stuck up for you this whole time, even though you have constantly been berating him.

You need to give respect before anyone feels the need to give you any back. All you do is constantly insult anyone who posts against what you want, or anyone on the Administrative team. So it's no wonder why most of your issues never get solved. You need to calm down, not act like a child (no offense to you kids :P), and learn to approach people with a better manner. Or don't even approach them at all. I'll keep sticking up for you until you give me a reason not to, but you're making anyone who has/will stick up for you look like an asshat now.

Re: Admins posting on LOCKED THREADS

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:50 am
by S']['U
vistalize wrote:STU, get with me on Xfire so we can handle this please or PM me.
Well, that was a total waste of time.
It took EvilTree an entire week to think a of a lie to explain Fish's immunity to votes.

He just told me that "Fish was exploiting a glitch in the server that doesn't allow voting on people who are in obs."
Anyone that has looked at the demo can clearly see that fish was on Team 1 both times I attempted to vote on him.
He went into obs just after my second vote attempt.
EvilTree, your "explanation" is an insult to my intelligence.
I don't believe you "have my back" like you keep telling me. I think you were "assigned" to befriend me and keep me quiet about anything I uncover that might be embarassing to the current Admin.
I smell another cover-up

So who was protecting Fish from voting ????
It would have to be someone who was able to be in the server and still remain hidden from Aaquib's view.
Who has that capability?
I can only think of one admin with that capability that would be willing to protect fish from votes.
And why wouldn't he do it? He has nothing to fear.
He already knows that he can do anything he wants and it will just be swept under the rug for the low, low price of $35 a month.

You all must think I'm stupid to buy an excuse like the one EvilTree was selling me.

I believe standard BR procedure now requires that I be bannned from this forum for exposing the truth...just like Jerry was.